Empire is a British film magazine published monthly by Bauer Consumer Media, the first issue was published in July 1989 It is the biggest selling film magazine in Britain, consistently outselling its nearest market rival Total Film and is also published in Australia, Turkey and Russia.
Empire magazine very much relies on its font to attract its audience with it being bold and it red in a stylish font to capture their attention, this is likely to capture the audiences attention because the red font is going to stand out from other magazines as the audience flick through other magazines and this one will grab their attention.
There are other features on this magazine as well, such as 'First Look' and then 'Heroes of 2010!' which is also in bold to stand out and intice the reader into buying this magazine, the feature acts as a hook for the reader. The main colours from the front cover of this magazine and most of the features on it are red and a greyish colour, this is a good mixture to pick because they compliment each other with the red standing out on the grey background, then the grey also standing out on the blacks.
There is a distinctive feature at the bottom left of this magazine and its a big red plus sign, i found this good because often front covers have a little bit too much information and the reader becomes overwhelmed with the amount of text that is on the cover. This big plus sign then tells us what else is featured in the magazine. The main USP is the picture of Johnny Depp in the centre middle of the page and bold font if the name of the film 'Public Enemies'. Johnny Depp is a famous actor and can be used as a hook to pull the audience in, which is why the picture is inflated and dominates the page, the audience are imedietly drawn to this image. The font is big and bold in the centre as this is the most importnat feature of the magazine, above it right to the picture is the tagline 'Johnny Depp steals summer!' the exclamation marks tells us the urgency of this feature.
To the top right of the magazine this is a small picture of Daniel Ratcliffe used as another selling point to the consumer, for those who are not big fans of Johnny Depp this shows that perhaps they might buy the magazine for the feature on Daniel Ratcliffe.
Overalll we found this a useful magazine to analyse because it was similar to the product we wanted to crate, with our main USP dominatiing the page and the costumer mainly focusing on the image, then the features that would surround it.