Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Introduction :

For our A2 media course work we were given a set menu of briefs
here is the one that we chose

2) A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options :

* a website homepage for the film
* a film magazine front cover, featuring the film
* a poster for the film

Out of those three options we chose to do a film poster, becasue we have been able to do alot of research into posters in previous assingments, so we have a good base of knowledge. The other option we chose was the magazine cover for the film, as both me and my partner have previous history in the subject IT so we belive we would be able to use the skills we have bulit up over the years to produce a suitable cover and also it was an option we felt that we could impart our own creativity to it more then the other options, so that was a good option for us.

These two options were to go with the teaser trailer, or teaser is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming movie, game or television series.
Teasers, unlike typical theatrical trailers, are usually very short in length (between 30–60 seconds) and usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film. Sometimes, it is merely a truncated version of a theatrical trailer. They are usually released long in advance of the film they advertise. One of the reasons for the name "teaser" is because they are shown usually a long time before the movie comes out, so as to "tease" the audience.
All three, magazine, poster and trailer are used to market the brand the producers have created, all of them are trying to intice the audeince into buying into the brand therefor making the producers as successfull as possible.