Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Generation of ideas

When disucussing what type of teaser trailer we were going to make we came up with numerous ideas, however the genre that appealed to us most was that of a comedy genre.
We chose the comedy genre because we belived that the common conventions that we would have to display through watching other similar comdey trailers, were easier to represent to the audience, and they would be able to assiociate more with those connotations, compared to a horror or action film where the resources for those genres were not avalible to us.
One of the first things we wanted to establish through our teaser trailer was a friendship or a bond between two characters as we believed that it was vital to the storyline and also these relationships between two characters are very common in a comdey film. So we decided to go for a romantic comedy, because not only would it appeal to one type of audince being a comedy but also hopefully it would attract the female audience perhaps with it being a rom-com.
So with the idea of a relationship playing a key part in our production we thought about how we could turn that into something that would bring comical value, so we thought about how a character (male) could be on his way to meet the female character but along the way a number of things happen to him to show just how bad his luck is, from showing a few obsticles that he faces in a teaser trailer we hope that this would intise the viewer to go watch the film.

* Audience research / Survey
Before we could start making any deatiled planning we had to find out what our target audience would be ? and what they would be looking for in romantic comedy teaser trailers. To do this we divised a questionaire to find out what would make them want to go watch the film. We decided we would be targeting young teenagers from the ages of 13-19 and more females then males as they often tend to be bigger fans of the romantic comedy genre.

1) In relation to romantic comedy films, what have you previously watched and why ?
2) What do you expect from comedy films apart from the obvious laughter ?
3) How did the film posters influence you to go watch the film ?
4) Was there any internet advertisement ? and if so did it influence you in any way ?
5) Did any actors from previous films play a major part in making you go to watch the film ?
6) Did any directors from previous films play a major part in making you go to watch the film ?
7) What would be your favorite romantic comedy film and why ?
8) How do the first few minutes draw you in ? and help you realise its a romantic comedy ?
9) How did the teaser trailer make you to go watch the film ?
10) Is there any rom-coms you have been to see and not gone away happy with and why ?

When we gained feedback from our questionaire we found that the two most favorite romantic comedy films that the public chose were 'Knocked Up' and 'The Proposal' so we decided to look further into these films to find common conventions that would lead the audience into being attracted to these films and what exact feautres they liked.