Another trailer we decided to look at was 'The Proposal' this was because it has been a recent hit in box office and we it was another film we thought our teaser trailer could relate to.
This trailer lasts 2:32 and the sound we hear at the beggining of the trailers is diagetic mixed in with non-diagetic sounds such as traffic where we can see looks to be in New York presenting to us the hectic lifestyle as the traffic is edited to be fast forwarded. The diagetic soundtrack is fast and uplifting keeping the audiences attention.
Similar to the 'knocked Up' trialer this film also has tag lines, they are situated bottom left of the screen and in the form of typing on a computer, we can draw from this that some of this film is going to be set in an office location and later Alaska where we meet more of the families. Some of the tags read 'this is Andrew' So we have aready established a main character in the first 13 seconds and later on we see 'Magaret is Andrews boss'. The two main characters have already been established to the audience in the opening 25 seconds. Another tagline says 'Magaret has a problem' the dialog we hear in a office is that Magaret will get deported, so we have our common feature in rom coms, a problem. At that time coincedently Andrew walks in, here Magaret announces she is getting married, which will mean she can stay in America. The narrative is now clear to the audience and will want to find out how these opposite characters can handle being married in such a obvious problem as they do not really know each other and we see from Andrews reaction he does not want to be involved, how they overcome this is why the audience will want to watch the rest of the film.
Unlike to some previous rom-coms these characters do not seem to be polar opposites, they work in the same environment, dress similar and we can assume that they share similar life goals, this therefore is going against some of the common forms and conventions of rom-coms, however the personality of Magaret that comes across in this trailer is very powerfull and quite mean, making Andrew hate his job and his boss Magaret. This is why the situation they will be forced in to will have obsticles beacause they simply do not get on.
The setting at first in this trialer is an office environment where both of the characters are working, we then see later that with the characters getting married it gives the film a chance to go to many locations as they will each have to meet each others families. We found this a good way to introduce new characters to a film, creating a obsticle joing both main characters but affecting their immediate families.
Later on in the trailer we have a diagetic soundtrack of Katy Perrys 'hot and cold' this refers to the couples realtionship, sometimes it looks like everything is going well and they are happy and looks like there could be a futre for them, while othertimes they cant stand each other and are at each others throats looking like the agreement is about to come to a end, their relationship is 'hot and cold' this ties in perfecty with the song as that is exactly what the song is about
We later have more taglines but bigger and in the centre of the screen 'this summer' then the film title and also the release date.
The audeince can form the conclusion that this films ideologie is what real true love is, these two characters were not ment to be together but due to a certain situation and form of luck they came to be and somehow ended up falling in love but is this real love ? that is for the audeince to decide, if the male character had not walked through the door at that precise time there is a good chance they would not have ended up together, so by luck and coincedence they have come together, but in real life for people that is not as simple and they will then come to their own conclusion of how realistic this storyline is and what they percieve to be 'true love'
The Proposal film poster
Once again after having watched and enjoyed both the trailer and film we decided to analyse this poster and gather thoughts and ideas on how we would like to incoparate any features from this poster into our own.
This poster unlike 'Knocked up' has both the male and female character as the USP's to the left centre of the page, they both have completly opposite facial epressions on them, and the female is holding a engagement ring in a box, leading us into the narrative. The male character looks quite scared and nervous, while the female character looks quite cunning and like she has thought of a plan. This shows us the complete opposite thinking between these two that the audience are going to want to see develop during the course of the film.
The text is all in red and black this appeals to a wide variety of audiences as the red is hinting at romance which may appeal more to the female audience, while the black font is hinting at a strong buisness type narrative which may appeal more to the male audience as both characters are also dressed very smartly.
At the top of the poster we have the two names of the characters, appealing to their own fan base that will now want to come see the film purely because they are a fans of their films. We then have the title of the film, again establishing the narrative 'The Proposal' this has a double meaning as well, with both characters dressed smartly this could be a business proposal but also with the female holding a ring it could mean a wedding proposal.
We then have the tagline pun in black font 'Here comes the bribe' noramlly bribe would be replaced by bride, so this is again helping the audience come to a conclusion for the narrative but leaving a question mark over it, is this film about a business bribe ? or is it going to be about a marraige scenario.
With the pose of the female pushing the male up against the wall this is showing us it is the women who is being represented as the dominante character, not your stereotypical women seen as a house wife and mother, this character we can see has a goal and is very powerfull, going against your typical sterotypes of women.
We liked this poster as it look simple, again relating to our objective we wanted to achieve, but it also had a few hidden meanings and a question mark over the narrative while going against typical sterotypes and representations, we were intriqued to find out how the reltionship developed between the male and female over the course of the film, and we also found that the main reason our audience watched this film was because they were excited to know how the narrative would unfold after seeing the two stances by the characters in the poster, one looked cunning while one looked scared.