Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Knocked up teaser trailer and film poster

When looking at recent films that have had huge success in our chosen genre we chose to look at 'Knocked up' as me and my partner throughly enjoyed this film and found some similarities between this film and what our first brainstorm of ideas.

This trailer lasts 1 minute 15 seconds and starts of with a non diagetic soundtrack which is about 'the birds and the bee's' a refernce to sexual intercourse, this reference is a indication of a sterotypical conversation when a father is seen to talk to his son about the birds and the bee's (sexual intercourse), so straight away from this trailer we know its going to have some sort of sexual content in it, the music is soft and flowing creating a relxing atmosphere.
There are tag lines throughout this trailer with large white font on a black background such as 'what would you talk about' 'on the sencond date' and then it cuts to the main female cahracter telling the male she is pregnant. So the narrative has alreayd been established.
The setting for the trailer is in a restaurant where these two characters have come to meet, the fact that it is in a restaurant suggests that it could be an important occasion that we are about to see, with the colours in the restaurant being darkish and hints of red this sets the mood of romance, however once we hear the first part of dialog we soon realise the scene is not very romantic.
We can conclude from the apperance of the two characters we see, that they look complete opposites. The women is very attractive and presentable, while the male has big bushy hair, loose shirt and unshaven and looks like he has not made much of an effort, here we can see one of the main common features of a romantic comedy which we are trying to simulate after hering the female say she is prenant, its a situation where two polar opposite characters are brought together through unusual or comic circumstances, thus being the pregnancy.
Then we have another tagline which reads 'from the makers of the 40yr old virgin' a previous production from the directors, attracting to that section of the public audience that will have seen the '40yr old virgin' and now will perhaps be inticed to go see this new film, a sign of good marketing.
The final picture we see is the film title 'knocked up' with the 'O' in 'knocked' symbolising a female uterus egg which is being fertiliesed by sperm, once again enforcing the narrative on the audeince and showing us exactly what this film is going to be about.
From this trailer the audience are going to be interested into seeing how this couple deal with their situation, and hear lies the hidden ideologie of whether they keep the baby or whether they choose aboortion and if abortion is right, we can see that the film is going to be a comedy from the trailer but the pro-life ideologie is hidden by humerous characters and sexual jokes.

Knocked Up Film Poster

When looking at the film poster for 'Knocked up' we liked it very much, this was because it was how we would like to base our film poster around. Here we have a medium close up of the protaganist character dominating the page as the Unique Selling Point, this is to maybe intice the viewers into seeing this film as the character is played by a famous actor Seth Rogen, targeting this particular actors audience.
The colours used in this poster are a green background with the text in red and black, we have a mixture of colours used and none of them really go together but this works well as they are then able to stand out on the green background attracting the audiences eye.
The character is wearing just a striped polo shirt and looks like your down to earth everyday guy pulling a funny idoitic facial expression, again appealing to their target audience of the comic fans, the auidence will want to see this film by the expression this character is making it looks like he is going to do some silly, stupid things that will make the audience laugh.
The text at the top reads in black 'What if this guy got you pregnant ?' this here helps the audience establish a narrative, obviously the film now is going to have some sexual content in it and relating to a female being pregnant by this man, with the text being a question and the characters facial expression following it, it is clear to see some more into the narrative, the question followed by the expression is trying to say that perhaps this man is not going to be the best father and it is as if to say would women really want to be involved with this man ?, before the audience have even found out anything about him.
The title of the film is then in big bold red lettering at the bottom centre of the poster, again establishing the narrative and gaining the audeinces attention. The font then switches back to black reading 'The next comedy from the director of the 40yr old virgin' the colour of the font switches back to black to show this is not now the title of the film but new information, and appealing to the audience that will have previously seen the directors first film and if they will have enjoyed it they are now more likely to want to see this film.
At the bottom of the poster there is also the release date for the film and perhaps the cleveriest feature on this poster, the text reads '06/01/07 save the due date' this has the double meaning of perhaps the date the baby is born in the narrative and also saying it says actual date this film is being realeased.
Overall we agreed this was a good film poster as it was simplistic but still manages to grip the audience with the focus mainly on the protaganist character and the font around the character helping with narrative towards the film, we decided we would like to create a simiar type of poster to this one.