Friday, 5 February 2010

Applying Theories : Ervin Goffman

With outside research we have also done, as well as looking at information during our lessons, we were able to use narrative theories and apply them to our analysis.
One theory we could use was the Ervin Goffman's character theory, this theory suggests that there are 4 main types of characters in a production, using this theory I was able to relate it back to the film 'Knocked Up'

1. Protaganist = Seth Rogan in this film would be the 'Protaganist' character this is because the film centres around him and his situation of becoming an expectant father and how he is able to deal with the new responsabilities he is faced with.

2. Deuteragonist = This type of character would be Katherine Heigl who plays the second most important character, she plays the expectant mother who is portrayed as the calmer and more relxed partner compared to Seth Rogen. This could be seen as conforming to the common representations as the men being more dominant, therefore Seth Rogen playing the Protaganist, and Katherine Heigl more associated with the emotional side of the film.

3. The Bit Player = Jason Segel plays the bit player in this film, he acts as Seth Rogens best friend, who also trys to have a relationship with Katherine Heigl's married sister. He is part of Seth Rogens group of friends who dont play major parts in the film and are mainly there for humerous affect and to help support Seth Rogen's character.

4 The Fool = Paul Rudd plays the fool, he is technically unrelated to all the characters and is the husband of Katherin Heigl's sister. He gradually becomes more and more involved in the film throughout as he becomes friends with Seth Rogen and throughout the film serves as comic relif.

In my teaser trailer I will try to portray these types of characters as best as I can, although with our set breif being a teaser trailer that means we will not have much time, so we may well just have to establish both the protaganist and deuteragonist characters. We chose to use this theory because we think we could accuratly portray these characters as they relate to our selected genre.