Friday, 5 February 2010

Applying Theories : Roland Barthes

The theory of Rolan Barthers is that he belives there are 5 codes that help the audience make sense of narrative :

* Hermeneutic - (narrative turning point), this helps the audience know where the story will go next.

* Proairetic - (basic narrative actions), this helps create tension which does not directly raise particular questions.

* Cultural - (prior social knowledge), this is our attitude towards social awareness and different cultures. How we react to racial sterotypes, along with gender, age disabilities etc.

* Semic - (medium related codes), intertextuality is creating meaning of texts from other texts

* Symbolic - (themes), iconography or a theme such as image versus reality, where the audience can create a representation due to an image or theme

These 5 common rules make it easy for the audience to establish a narrative because although it seems easy to keep to the common conventions in rom-coms often the narrative can be lead astray and the audience left confused, so if we try to stick to these 5 rules we hope to keep the audiences attention and more importantly in a trailer their interest to come and watch the film.