Friday, 5 February 2010

Planning : Camera Angles

During our teaser trailer to make it as enjoyable for the audience as possible we our going to have to use a wide variety of camera angles to portray our main character's problems/obsticles.
At the start of the filming we will use wide shots and establishing shots, needed for setting the scene as this is importance to the audience especially for teenagers or any type of audience so they can relate to the setting, and maybe similarities that they have had while being in that same situation, the establishing shot puts the audience at ease and they can then become familiar with their surroundings.
For the main viewing we will be using close ups so we can see the emotion and facial expressions Anders has to go through on his journey, along with medium close ups and wide shots again. The wide angle will play a very vital role in showing the mise-en-scene, everything else that is going on in the scene around our characters.
With there being a potential reltionship on the brink which would have its ups and downs, we thought music would play a key role in our trailer, so we wanted to use camera angles relating to the lyrics in the song, when the tempo was fast and upbeat we wanted a happy facial expression, when it was slow and calm we wanted sad, depressing angles, as our audeince would be able to relate to all these emotions our character was going through.